The God’s Eye View
— “13 Ways the NSA Has Spied on Us”
— One of the NSA’s least known and most potent surveillance tools: EO 12333
— The false and propagandistic notion of an American “oath” of secrecy
— Not so many burning Humvees in Desert Storm, true, but see Day 15 and Day 41
— How an undersea oil eruption became a “leak”
— “Enhanced Interrogation” sounds better in the original German
— It’s almost as though all these “narcissist” hacks were working off the same set of talking points
— 1.2 million people on US government watch list
Chapter 1
— US/Turkish intelligence cooperation
— More on NSA Special Liaison Advisors
— Mesh network CCTV surveillance systems are trivial to hack
— Harvard secretly installs cameras in its classrooms
— Gunshot-detecting microphones
— Identifying people via biometric data like height, stride length, and walking speed
— “New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time”
— Facial recognition technology is everywhere, even in churches
Chapter 2
— Intelligence agencies achieve greater openness by prohibiting officials from talking to media
Those damn subversives the director is so upset about:
— How the NSA tracks cell phone locations
Chapter 6
— United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture finds Chelsea Manning’s treatment cruel and inhuman
— Yemenis seek justice in wedding drone strike
— The best coverage of America’s drone wars ever is courtesy of comedian John Oliver
— Detaining someone assisting in journalism under the pretext of antiterrorism
Hacking a car and turning it into a drone:
— Airplanes are vulnerable to cyberhacking, too
— Everything in a high-end car is microprocessor-controlled—even the steering
— Hertz puts cameras inside some of its rental cars
Chapter 7
— It’s possible Manus has seen this video on concealing a handgun inside a vehicle
Chapter 8
— How Western media is manipulated by ISIS into spreading jihadist propaganda
Chapter 9
— Pakistani government forces cell phone users to turn over fingerprints or lose their service
Chapter 10
— ACLU rendition of just how powerful a tool location data can be
— “We Kill People Based on Metadata”
Chapter 11
— ISIS waterboarded journalist James Foley
Chapter 12
— Secret FISA “court” is nothing but an administrative rubber stamp
— FISA “court” approves 99.97 percent of government surveillance requests
Chapter 13
— Journalists relying on face-to-face meetings and human couriers
— NSA intercepts shipments of Internet-ordered computers; infects them with malware
— “Secret Documents Reveal NSA Campaign Against Encryption”
— “A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering”
— The menace of “insider threats”
— Over 700,000,000 people changing their online behavior to evade NSA surveillance
— US Postal Service logs all mail for law enforcement
Chapter 14
— Over 1.5 million people with top secret clearances (more than the population of Norway)
Chapter 16
— “New Hi-Tech Police Surveillance: The ‘StingRay’ Cell Phone Spying Device”
Chapter 17
— NSA’s AURORAGOLD cell phone eavesdropping and encryption subversion program
Chapter 18
— And other existing and coming means of peering through brick and concrete
Chapter 20
— Mobile IMSI-catcher cell phone trackers
Chapter 22
— Pakistani government forces cell phone users to turn over fingerprints or lose their service
Chapter 23
— No one uses words like “homeland” accidentally
— “US Military Drone Network in the Middle East and Africa”
— US automatically counts all military-age males killed as terrorists
— ISIS claims US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria
— Wolf Blitzer is a particularly compliant tool
— Establishment “journalists” detest whistleblowers
— The surveillance state never stops looking for excuses to increase its powers
— “Former FBI Assistant Director: To Keep Budgets High, We Must ‘Keep Fear Alive'”
Chapter 24
— TED talk by Trevor Aaronson on how the FBI’s tactics create domestic terrorists
— To get what you want it’s good to “scare hell” out of the American people
— New eavesdropping equipment sucks all the data off your cell phone
Chapter 25
— “A Decade After 9/11, Police Departments Are Increasingly Militarized”
— FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities
— More on domestic surveillance aircraft
— This ACLU domestic drone “nightmare scenario” from 2012 doesn’t sound so far-fetched now, does it?
— More on the NSA spying on journalists
Chapter 26
— “5 NSA Whistleblowers Who Came Before Snowden”
— More on what happened to every NSA whistleblower who tried to work through the system can be found in chapter 9 of James Risen’s excellent book, Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014)
— More on Jesselyn Radack, whistleblower and lawyer to whistleblowers
— And Diane Roark and Thomas Tamm, who also tried to go through the system
Chapter 27
— Peyton Quinn’s Five Rules for Managing Impending Violence
Chapter 28
— HUMINT, SIGINT . . . and now, LOVEINT
Chapter 31
— Using license plate trackers to monitor gun shows . . . and what else?
— The NSA targets the privacy conscious
— XKeyscore: NSA’s Google for the World’s Private Communications
— How the FBI caught Petraeus: cross-referencing metadata, all without a warrant
— Don’t worry; it’s just metadata!
— The CIA intercepts whistleblower communications
Chapter 32
— How to leak securely using SecureDrop
Chapter 41
— CIA director’s attempt to conceal emails by saving them as drafts, not sending
— If you’re using encryption, the NSA is watching extra closely
— Lawyer-client privileged communications are of particular interest
— Governments monitor WikiLeaks website, collect IP addresses of visitors
— Thinking about searching for privacy-enhancing tools? The NSA is watching for that
— “Surveillance Forces Journalists to Think and Act Like Spies”
— Another example of God’s Eye-type pattern recognition: the NSA’s SKYNET program
Chapter 45
— New exploit turns Samsung Galaxy phones into remote bugging devices
— Using a cell phone’s gyroscopes like a microphone
— The $2.8 billion JLENS blimps floating over Maryland
— The CIA/US Marshals joint cell phone tracking initiative
— Accessing baby monitors and other listening devices
— Entertainment systems listening in on your living room conversations
Chapter 46
— Uber tracks user movements with a program called God View (aka Creepy Stalker View)
Chapter 47
— “When you collect it all, when you monitor everyone, you understand nothing.”
— “We are drowning in information. And yet we know nothing.”
Chapter 49
— Former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden’s “off-the-record” interview gets live-tweeted
— Former NSA director Keith Alexander doesn’t cover his laptop webcam
— Names change; programs continue
General Reading
— For more on the real-world events depicted in the prologue and in the novel generally, I recommend Glenn Greenwald’s No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2014)
— And Laura Poitras’s Oscar-and other award-winning documentary, Citizenfour
— A brief history of the US surveillance state
— Julian Assange’s
When Google Met WikiLeaks (New York: OR Books, 2014)
— Scott Horton’s Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Warfare (New York: Nation Books, 2015)
For an overview of the ever-metastasizing international surveillance state, I recommend two great books:
— Julia Angwin’s Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom In a World of Relentless Surveillance (Times Books, 2014)
— Bruce Schneier’s Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World (W. W. Norton & Company, 2015)
— If you’d like some historical context for Edward Snowden’s actions and what the government has been trying to do to him, Judith Ehrlich’s and Rick Goldsmith’s Academy Award-nominated The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers is as illuminating as it is riveting
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